Winx + jednotlivé série
Winx club, to je parta nerozlučných kamarádek, které studují na Alfei - škole pro víly. Musí čelit spoustě nebezpečí jako například zlým čarodějnicím Trix, které je chtějí zničit. Nejsou to jen obyčejné holky, jsou to víly z pohádkových světů! Každá Winx je jiná, nejen svou povahou, ale také magickými schopnostmi a dovednostmi. Poznej jejich tajemství a uvidíš, že je jedna z nich přesně jako TY! Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna a Layla společně tvoří Klub Winx, přičemž slovo "winx" je slovní hříčkou - zní podobně jako slovo "wings", křídla. Winx club je italský animovaný seriál o skupině mladých víl, které pomocí kouzel brání magický svět. V České republice vysílá Winx každou sobotu a neděli TV Barrandov v rámci dětského pořadu Animáček.
Tady celý příběh Winx začíná!
Bloom byla obyčejnou pozemskou dívkou, dokud se nestřetla s dívkou, která bojovala se zlým obrem. Vyšlo najevo, že ta dívka je Stella, princezna z planety Solarie a víla. Stella vzala Bloom do města Magixu v Magické dimenzi, kde se obě zapsaly do Alfie, školy pro víly.
K Bloom a Stelle se přidají noví přátelé Flora, Tecna a Musa, které společně vytvoří Klub Winx. Bloom konečně objeví své kouzelnické schopnosti a děvčata z Winx se utkají s trojicí čarodějnic Trix (Icy, Darcy a Stormy), které studují na Mračné věži, dívčí škole pro čarodějnice. Dívky se také spřátelí se čtyřmi studenty z Rudé fontány, chlapecké školy, kde se učí na Specialisty. Jmenují se Sky, Brandon, Timmy a Riven
V první sérii mají přeměnu "Magic Winx".
Sezona začíná návratem Bloom, Stelly, Flory, Musy, a Tecny z letních prázdnin, aby zahájily svůj druhý školní rok na Alfei. Krátce po úvodním večírku vklopýtá do školy podivná dívka jménem Layla. Řekne dívkám z Winx, že lord Darkar drží jako rukojmí několik Pixie, malých létajících bytostí podobných vílám.
Tři z dívek a dva Specialisté odjedou do Darkarovy tvrze, vysvobodí Pixie a vrátí se na Alfeu. Po celou sezonu se Winx a Specialisté snaží zabránit Trix v krádeži jednotlivých částí Kodexu, ale vždy neúspěšně. Ke konci sezony se také objevuje Charmix - dokáže zprostředkovat kouzelnou proměnu Winx. Víla si svůj Charmix vyslouží, když se postaví čelem k tomu, z čeho má strach. Na konci sezony pomůže Charmix dívkám přemoci Darkara a Layla se stane další členkou Klubu Winx.
Ve druhé sérii tedy k přeměne "Magic Winx" připojí i "Charmix"
Každá z víl zde získá svou Pixie - Bloomina spřízněná Pixie je Fialka, Stellina je Amora, Flora se spřízní s Brebtou, Musa s Tune, Tecna s Digget a Layla už má svou Pixie delší dobu a to Pískle
Začíná třetí školní rok v magické škole Alfei. Víly Winx budou muset prokázat vysoké kvality, aby mohly dosáhnout svého cíle a stát se opravdovými vílami. Prvním krokem bude přeměna v Enchantix! Jedná se o vývoj, který znásobí jejich moc! Vrátí se Specialisté připraveni doprovázet víly Winx. Také Pixie, minivíly ze Selvafoscy, plné energie a sympatie, jsou připravené se opět spojit s vílami Winx!
Ale celé Magické dimenzi hrozí strašlivá hrozba, protože tajemný a zlý čaroděj Valtor byl osvobozen proradnými Trix. Chce získat magickou energii všech planet, které zná, aby se mohl stát nejmocnějším čarodějem všech dob! Valtor bude znamenat pro Winx, ale především pro Bloom, se kterou se čaroděj zdá být záhadně svázán, velké nebezpečí.
Ve třetí sérii tedy zvýší svou moc o proměnu "Enchantix".
Klub Winx je zpět. Nyní dosáhly úrovně Believix, nové proměny schopné přimět živé tvory uvěřit v magii. Believix jim také dává troje nová křídla, která je činí ještě mocnějšími: Speedix (zrychlení), Zoomix (teleportace) a Tracix (cestování časem).
Potkají také Čaroděje Temného kruhu, skupiny zloduchů na stopě poslední víle na Zemi, aby s její pomocí dosáhli své plné síly. Winx klub ji musí ochránit. Aby mohly žít na Zemi nepozorovaně, otevřou si obchod se zvířaty jménem Love&Pet, a potkají Roxy, dívku pracující ve Frutti Music Baru. Brzy zjistí, že Roxy je ona poslední pozemská víla! Roxy nakonec pomůže Winx klubu vyhnat čaroděje. Nicméně, nyní se musí postavit pozemským vílám a jejich královně Morganě, která se hodlá lidem pomstít za to, že v ně nevěřili. Winx jsou nuceny se chtě nechtě spojit s Čaroději, aby zachránily lidstvo. Zvítězí?
Jak je napsáno výše, ve 4. sérii díky Roxy Winx získají další přeměnu - "Believex"
Každá z Winx si také oblíbí jednoho mazlíčka - Bloomin se jemnuje Bella, Stellin Ginger, Flořin Coco, Musa si oblíbí Peppe, Tecna Chico a Layla Milly.
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Lar Sluby
(RobertScerm, 19. 4. 2024 16:49)
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 19. 4. 2024 8:47)
Welcome to the Community!
Hi everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the limited duration I've been here, I've been struck by how assisting and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the sincere commitment of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's providing guidance, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make new arrivals feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your interests or knowledge, there seems to be an active and participatory community ready to learn from you.
Overall, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I encourage you to participate, engage, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and community that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 19. 4. 2024 8:47)
Welcome to the Community!
Hi everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the limited duration I've been here, I've been struck by how assisting and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the sincere commitment of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's providing guidance, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make new arrivals feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your interests or knowledge, there seems to be an active and participatory community ready to learn from you.
Overall, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I encourage you to participate, engage, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and community that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 19. 4. 2024 8:47)
Welcome to the Community!
Hi everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the limited duration I've been here, I've been struck by how assisting and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the sincere commitment of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's providing guidance, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make new arrivals feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your interests or knowledge, there seems to be an active and participatory community ready to learn from you.
Overall, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I encourage you to participate, engage, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and community that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 19. 4. 2024 8:47)
Welcome to the Community!
Hi everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the limited duration I've been here, I've been struck by how assisting and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the sincere commitment of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's providing guidance, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make new arrivals feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your interests or knowledge, there seems to be an active and participatory community ready to learn from you.
Overall, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I encourage you to participate, engage, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and community that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and exchanges to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 19. 4. 2024 8:46)
Welcome to the Community!
Hi everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm already impressed by the welcoming and encouraging atmosphere. In the limited duration I've been here, I've been struck by how assisting and encouraging the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the sincere commitment of long-time members to help new users settle in. Whether it's providing guidance, or just offering a friendly word, the experienced members here go out of their way to make new arrivals feel included and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with knowledgeable discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your interests or knowledge, there seems to be an active and participatory community ready to learn from you.
Overall, I'm really excited to be a part of this forum and to dive deeper into all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I encourage you to participate, engage, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and community that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and exchanges to come!
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Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 18. 4. 2024 18:36)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm quite impressed by the inviting and welcoming atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how assisting and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to guide new users find their footing. Whether it's offering advice, or just extending a warm welcome, the veteran members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your passions or knowledge, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to learn from you.
In summary, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I implore you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and engagements to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 18. 4. 2024 18:36)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm quite impressed by the inviting and welcoming atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how assisting and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to guide new users find their footing. Whether it's offering advice, or just extending a warm welcome, the veteran members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your passions or knowledge, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to learn from you.
In summary, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I implore you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and engagements to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 18. 4. 2024 18:36)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm quite impressed by the inviting and welcoming atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how assisting and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to guide new users find their footing. Whether it's offering advice, or just extending a warm welcome, the veteran members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your passions or knowledge, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to learn from you.
In summary, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I implore you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and engagements to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 18. 4. 2024 18:36)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm quite impressed by the inviting and welcoming atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how assisting and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to guide new users find their footing. Whether it's offering advice, or just extending a warm welcome, the veteran members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your passions or knowledge, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to learn from you.
In summary, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I implore you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and engagements to come!
Welcome to the Community!
(Jamesmep, 18. 4. 2024 18:36)
Welcome to the Community!
How are you everyone! I'm novel to this forum, but I'm quite impressed by the inviting and welcoming atmosphere. In the short time I've been here, I've been amazed at how assisting and nurturing the members of this community are.
One thing that has stood out to me is the heartfelt dedication of long-time members to guide new users find their footing. Whether it's offering advice, or just extending a warm welcome, the veteran members here go out of their way to make newcomers feel welcomed and valued.
The range of topics covered is also astoundingly diverse, with insightful discussions spanning everything from relevant topic 1 to relevant topic 2. No matter what your passions or knowledge, there seems to be an vibrant and active community ready to learn from you.
In summary, I'm truly excited to be a part of this forum and to continue exploring all that it has to offer. If you're just joining like me, I implore you to get involved, participate, and take advantage of the abundance of expertise and camaraderie that this forum provides. I look forward to numerous discussions and engagements to come!
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